Microsoft Activision Merger Woes

Microsoft’s attempted merger with Activision has revealed a lot about their gaming division and it’s not good. Microsoft entered into the gaming industry in 2001 with XBOX. Coincidentally, Sega had […]

Remote Work Paradox: Why Are Companies Concerned?

Despite the fact that workers are feeling productive while working from home, employers remain skeptical. In their eyes, productivity has decreased and thus they want their employees to return to […]

Navigating The Future of Autonomous Cars

Investors have grown concerned about Tesla’s financial future following a 29% price reduction for the Model Y. This price decrease has affected their bottom line and shaken confidence in Elon […]

Hotdogs and AI – The Correlation

Back in 1990 Hotdogs were extremely popular. They were everywhere; from sporting events like baseball, Football, NASCAR, Tennis & Basketball games; amusement parks and other gatherings. According to The National […]

Why Did E3 End?

It was recently announced that the Electronic Entertainment Expo better known as E3 was cancelled for this year. How did we get here, let’s start at the beginning. E3 started […]

Changing of Expectations in the Job Market

My friend spent the summer searching for a job in the communications field. She applied to one place that was advertising for someone with social media and communications experience. It […]

The Financial Possibilities of Virtual and Augmented Reality

Despite the pessimistic views of analysts, employees, and consumers, Mark Zuckerberg is not giving up on the Metaverse. He has declared that his company is “doubling down” on their commitment […]

Why Twitter Needs to Prioritize Profit

Over the weekend, Elon Musk did a poll on whether President Trump should be allowed to return to Twitter. 51.8% which translated to 15 million users voted yes, and as […]

Do You Know What The Metaverse Is?

As the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook is no stranger to revolutionary technology. However, in a recent interview with Dutch publication Bright, he admitted that the average person still can’t […]

Meta Hiring Slowdown Is Necessary

Meta hiring slowdown happened long before this announcement, not too many people paid attention to it. Meta had a few new roles they created but after the February’s earning call […]